Always that little bit extra!
Keeping Books of Received and Issued Invoices
Company registration
Business plan development
Tax and legal consulting
Forensic accounting
Courier services
Keeping tax records
General ledger
Fixed assets register
Subledger account recording
VAT calculation and preparation of forms
Payroll accounting, pay slips and preparation of forms for wages and earnings
Temporary services contract accounting
Leasing accounting and preparation of forms
Preparation of payment orders for e-banking
Loan agreements and contracts
Statutory annual reports
Preparation of bank loan documentation
Information about legal obligations and tax breaks/exemptions related to various business aspects
Different types of employment contracts, employment agreements and documentation
Registration and deregistration of employees with the relevant pension and health insurance authorities
Representation before the Serbian Tax Administration and other relevant authorities
We know what is expected of you and the amount of obligations you face every day – but we also know how to help you focus on business development, instead of reports and paperwork.
We have the answers to all your questions and we will do everything necessary to offer solutions for any challenges that might come your way – without delays!
We have diverse experience in bookkeeping for various industries and different types of companies.
Apart from the services we provide, we also offer membership in our Euroracunovodstvo Business Club, which allows you entrance to free seminars.
We have various START-UP packages on offer, that make company registration easier and provide all the necessary information and our full support.
In order to provide our clients with full security, besides business and legal consulting, we can also offer tax consulting. You can count on sound, reliable advice always.
Our courier services are here to save you time usually wasted on submitting forms or documents. You can take advantage of this service on a monthly basis or when you need it.
For members of the Business Club, we offer FREE SEMINARS on current topics in areas relevant to doing successful business for new companies, as well as accounting, legislations, etc.
What can we do for you?
Modern software
We use modern software solutions for our bookkeeping services: Pantheon, Lidder and Wings are some of the well-known tools, and their purpose is to provide high-quality, efficient accounting services.